Our Services

Elevate your journey with XPLS Pro, where every service is a symphony of success. From the exhilarating live transfer calls to the boundless sales training and daily lead generation, we're not just a platform – we're the heartbeat of your triumphs in the making.

XPLS Services

At XPLS Pro, we offer Live Transfer Calling, also known as warm transfer or hot transfer, is a dynamic communication process where a phone call is seamlessly transferred in real-time from one party to another. 

XPLS Pro offers Daily Lead Generation, which is the ongoing process of identifying and cultivating potential customers or clients. It involves systematically generating new prospects and opportunities. 

At XPLS Pro, we want to ensure you with the success in excess proceeds. That is why we are offering Unlimited Sales Training. Let your aspirations soar as we guide you through the intricacies of the market. 

We Make It Simple

In order to effectively communicate with potential clients, you must have vital information to have the right conversation.

Members of XPLS Pro receive the following subsets of data and services:

XPLS Benefits Of Excess Proceeds

By becoming a part of the XPLS Team, you’re not just embarking on a journey to boost your income; you’re championing the cause of restoring hope and financial recovery for those who’ve faced the daunting consequences of mortgage and tax foreclosures. It’s not just about earning; it’s about making a meaningful impact in people’s lives.

In the heart of XPLS Pro lies the power to offer a lifeline to those facing the depths of despair amidst mortgage and tax foreclosures, granting them a precious second chance. Your membership not only connects you with opportunities but becomes a beacon of hope for individuals navigating the shadows of their most challenging moments.

Discover the path to financial liberation with XPLS Pro—a platform committed to sculpting your success in excess proceeds. We extend an invitation to join a community where dreams of financial freedom come alive. At XPLS Pro, we’re not just a platform; we’re your partner in crafting a future where prosperity knows no bounds. Take the leap, and let the journey to financial empowerment begin.

Get Started Now

For more information feel free to reach out to us or schedule a call to learn about excess proceeds.